At the heart of Unitarian Universalism is a deep recognition and respect for the interconnectedness of life. As a faith community, Brookfield Unitarian Universalist Church seeks to foster spiritual health and growth, but recognize that it is equally important to encourage and empower one another to lives of physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing. To that end, we offer the following list of community resources to those in need of various services concerning physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing as well as those who wish to acquaint themselves with the availability of these services and share them with others.
To Access Information/Resources on this page click on the links (underlined text) or call the phone number provided.
Brookfield & East Brookfield Residents - Brookfield Ecumenical Food Pantry is Open!
Every Wednesday and Saturday from 9:30 AM to 11 AM located at: St. Mary’s Catholic Church 4 Howard Street (Corner of Lincoln St. & Howard St.) Brookfield, MA 01506 (pantry is in the basement at the rear entrance near Howard Street)
Quaboag Connector: Currently serving the towns of Belchertown, Brookfield, East Brookfield, Hardwick, Monson, Palmer, Ware, Warren and West Brookfield .
BAGLY: The Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth, is a youth-led, adult-supported social support organization, committed to social justice and creating, sustaining, and advocating for programs, policies, and services for the LGBTQ+ youth community.
This Comprehensive Resource Guide includes resources, services and referral information related to Abuse (child, sexual, domestic, bullying); Childcare; Clothing and Furniture; Disability/Special Education; Education and Employment Training; Food Pantries; Healthcare; Mental Health; Doctors and Dentists; Housing and Shelter; Legal; Transitional Assistance; Transportation; Utilities; State Agencies.
Please hover your cursor over the Community Resources tab on the main menu to access the Parent Guide tab.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES/HOTLINES State Domestic Violence (SafeLink) 877-785-2020 Womansheltr/Companeras 877-536-1628 New Hope 800-323-4673 YWCA DV Services 508-755-9030 (call collect) YWCA/ARCH 800-796-8711 Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project 800-832-1901 The Network/LaRed (lesbian,bisexual women, transgender communities) 617-423-7233 National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233 CHILD/ELDER ABUSE Parental Stress Line 800-632-8188 Dept. of Social Services 800-792-5200 Elder Abuse 800-922-2275 Disabled Abuse 800-426-9009 Greater Springfield Sr. Service 413-781-8800 Elder Services Worcester 508-852-3205