Welcome! Thank you for your interest in our Children’s Religious Exploration Program (RE) at the Brookfield Unitarian Universalist Church. Based on the Unitarian Universalist Principles and UU Sources, (see below) our children experience Unitarian Universalism through Sunday service, discussion, art, music, drama activities, community service, and fun.
Our children and youth are an active part of the BUUC congregation – from leading service to hosting coffee hour. We explore the theme of the month with movement, stories, and activities. Parents are welcome to visit classes and are encouraged to contact me with questions, ideas or concerns. I ask that parents keep me informed of any situation that may impact your child’s learning or behavior. I am available and happy to meet with parents digitally, by phone, or in person.
Vision Statement for the Brookfield Unitarian Universalist Church’s Religious Exploration Program
The purpose of the Brookfield Unitarian Universalist Church’s Religious Exploration Program is to discover our values and beliefs, and to cultivate our identities as Unitarian Universalists.
To do this:
We nurture respect for others as we thoroughly explore and engage with ideas from world religions and Unitarian Universalism.
We are supported through Intergenerational events and activities to create relationships across generations and directly with our minister.
We impact the community and the world by living our values at home, at church, and in the world at large with the support of our BUUC community.
We engage with the spiritual to become wholly integrated – head, heart, and hands.
When services are held in the building, we believe it is important for families to have the opportunity to worship together. We ask that all children sit with their families (15 - 30 minutes) until the children’s recessional. At that time, children leave to continue their church experience in an age accommodating manner. Children are welcome to remain quietly in the sanctuary for continued worship if the family chooses.
The Children’s Program area is in the basement of our building and, upon our ‘sing out’ from worship, we gather as an all-ages group. Our age/grade guidelines for our young children are flexible as we feel that children should be accommodated according to their own particular spot on their maturational path and their life experiences, however, we generally find that RE is best for ages 6-17. RE groups are dismissed by 11:45. Parents are welcome to visit in RE and encouraged to volunteer in the program. Children join the adult community for Snacks and Fellowship following RE.
Intergenerational/All Community Worship:All children are offered the choice to participate in these services which are scheduled occasionally throughout the year. People of all ages have the opportunity to participate by offering readings, music, ushering or greeting. Families are encouraged to have all children remain in the sanctuary for the entire service, but the Nursery is available for children who may need a break!
Red Respect Every Being Orange Offer Kindness Yellow Yearn to Learn Together Green Grow With Each Other in Spirit & Mind Blue Believe in Yourself while Listening to Others Indigo Insist on Freedom & Peace and Justice Violet Value the Earth and all the Universe
The UU Path we share draws from many Sources
~Our own wonder at being & joy of living ~Others who have been kind and fair in words and deeds ~Wisdom from all religions ~Jewish & Christian teachings to love others as we love ourselves ~Humanist teachings that honor science and reason in our search for truth ~Earth-centered teachings honoring life, nature and it’s rhythms